Yes Republicans are hypocrites, when it comes to raising the debt ceiling. And, I think (rightly) they don’t believe, without a looming threat, Democrats will agree to cut anything, ever. Still: is requiring “ able body” people without dependents, to seek part time employment really beyond the pail? I mean don’t we at some point have to rein this Government in? Even a little?
Yes Republicans are hypocrites, when it comes to raising the debt ceiling. And, I think (rightly) they don’t believe, without a looming threat, Democrats will agree to cut anything, ever. Still: is requiring “ able body” people without dependents, to seek part time employment really beyond the pail? I mean don’t we at some point have to rein this Government in? Even a little?
Matt Yglesias had a good write-up of why work requirements are pretty gimmicky. The general thrust is that there are lots of ways for people to get waivers as long as they are willing to do the paperwork. It does end up saving money because a not insignificant amount of people do get kicked off the Medicaid rolls because they didn't submit the necessary paperwork for the waivers. He also goes into how there isn't a lot of evidence for the idea that people are just freeloading. Doing so wouldn't be very lucrative.
All that being said, I do get where you are coming from. I think that Biden should take the spending cut from the GOP in exchange for the debt ceiling being raised to a point where it doesn't come into play again until AFTER the 2024 election. The reality is the GOP (however hypocritically) has Biden over a barrell on spending. Just take the offer on discretionary spending cuts and raise the damn thing. It sucks but thems the breaks.
I can't read his argument, but he ought to yield then, if it's only a gimmick in the manner of asylum rules or immigration court dates. There's a world of non-profits - typically partly government-funded, so a sunk cost - standing by to fill out those waivers for people. It's the sort of purely symbolic move that that he could point to - no, not to satisfy Milton, not because spending would ever go down - but to further lend his goal of trebling the population that hint of "shaming the natives" that is so reliably latent on the left, and appeals as well to its libertarian counterpart. But perhaps upheaval is the reason he longs for such a curious goal in the first place.
Yes Republicans are hypocrites, when it comes to raising the debt ceiling. And, I think (rightly) they don’t believe, without a looming threat, Democrats will agree to cut anything, ever. Still: is requiring “ able body” people without dependents, to seek part time employment really beyond the pail? I mean don’t we at some point have to rein this Government in? Even a little?
Matt Yglesias had a good write-up of why work requirements are pretty gimmicky. The general thrust is that there are lots of ways for people to get waivers as long as they are willing to do the paperwork. It does end up saving money because a not insignificant amount of people do get kicked off the Medicaid rolls because they didn't submit the necessary paperwork for the waivers. He also goes into how there isn't a lot of evidence for the idea that people are just freeloading. Doing so wouldn't be very lucrative.
All that being said, I do get where you are coming from. I think that Biden should take the spending cut from the GOP in exchange for the debt ceiling being raised to a point where it doesn't come into play again until AFTER the 2024 election. The reality is the GOP (however hypocritically) has Biden over a barrell on spending. Just take the offer on discretionary spending cuts and raise the damn thing. It sucks but thems the breaks.
I can't read his argument, but he ought to yield then, if it's only a gimmick in the manner of asylum rules or immigration court dates. There's a world of non-profits - typically partly government-funded, so a sunk cost - standing by to fill out those waivers for people. It's the sort of purely symbolic move that that he could point to - no, not to satisfy Milton, not because spending would ever go down - but to further lend his goal of trebling the population that hint of "shaming the natives" that is so reliably latent on the left, and appeals as well to its libertarian counterpart. But perhaps upheaval is the reason he longs for such a curious goal in the first place.
They’re all hypocrites in time. Republicans are acting like the opposition, the way a party is supposed to.
By destroying their country? Interesting take.