I mean, I got a cold one Friday this winter after my three vaccinations, and I learned only from a sense of civic duty (and a rapid test) that it was the dreaded 'rona. Two years ago, it probably wouldn't have kept me home from work.
Some people can't unbreak their brains from 2020, or at least, they haven't showed it yet.
I mean, I got a cold one Friday this winter after my three vaccinations, and I learned only from a sense of civic duty (and a rapid test) that it was the dreaded 'rona. Two years ago, it probably wouldn't have kept me home from work.
Some people can't unbreak their brains from 2020, or at least, they haven't showed it yet.
I mean, I got a cold one Friday this winter after my three vaccinations, and I learned only from a sense of civic duty (and a rapid test) that it was the dreaded 'rona. Two years ago, it probably wouldn't have kept me home from work.
Some people can't unbreak their brains from 2020, or at least, they haven't showed it yet.